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plomb palette

plomb palette

That's a new easy home made.

I build somes flat sinkers lure with molten lead.

Boilled lead (600 a 800 °C) is flowing under floor directely to do some plate, after cuting with wire cutters to had différent weight size.

Be carrefull,   Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull,  Be carrefull

 If you are minors you had to be helped by an adult, boilled lead make some toxic gas, and place should be well ventilated, be really carefull about don't put boilled lead under you, it make quickly deep hole in your skin!!!!!! 

Don't put water into boilled lead it 'll explose around and use a old pan that you LL not ever use to cook.

Lead is very toxic don't touch it with your fingers, use gloves and  old cloth. 


That's the result, to not have  cutting line  by lead i use a piece of coton tube warming on both sides. Dscn5008


Some rigs , i 'll don't explain to you every thing is under pictures.



Good fishing chance to you , sanders too, cause if you don't make catch and release fishing it 's  good thing to not abused.

Fishing is play !!! We shall had to have enought for everyones.

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